Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Every city needs more muggings.

So I was thinking about how it's so damn inconvenient for the uninitiated to lug a travel mug around, and so this got me thinking that some sort of collapsible, insulated travel mug could really fill a marketing niche. I mean -- Add a hole to latch on a carabiner (a what?) or a clip to hook it onto a knapsack strap, and it becomes second-nature to keep it on hand, which is really what it needs to be, right? It's all about making the right choices simple.

So when I go to Google it, apparently a proof-of-concept project has already been done:

Damn you engineering-types! Always pilfering my vague ideas and turning them into limited-release realities...

Anyhow, I've tried to get in touch with the guys to encourage them to run with the concept, but I haven't heard back. I mean, if 4 of 400 people who stumble across your video think that it's such a great idea that they actively ask where they can get one, doesn't that seem like it's an idea worth chasing?

If if the guys in the video happen to stumble across this post somehow: Come on guys! DO IT.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why I like Worldchanging

Optimism can't just be an add-on. It needs to be the focus -- the key ingredient -- the sugar without which the medicine offers no cure.

Worldchanging homepage

Monday, November 2, 2009


Sometimes I like to think of myself as a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a guy who's too lazy to use a thesaurus.